Easy one pan sausage bake

Here's a quick and easy one pan sausage bake meal for those of you on the go.

Serves 4

what you need

how to make it

  1. Pre-heat fan forced oven to 200OC.
  2. In an oven proof fry pan, heat 1 Tbsp. vegetable oil and cook sausages over high heat until they begin to brown on all sides.
  3. Add the carrots, brown onion, garlic, sweet potato, and apple. Pour in the rest of the vegetable oil, then season with salt and pepper and mix until coated. Bake for 25 mins.
  4. Carefully remove from the oven then add the corn and cherry tomatoes. Bake for a further 10 mins.
  5. Remove from the oven, add the spinach and toss to combine. The residual heat will wilt the spinach.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

Three Aussie Farmers Pulled Pork

We’ve grabbed our best Aussie pork and blended it with a selection of Dan & Steph’s favourite herbs. With thyme and parsley this juicy sausage is packed with flavour and won’t dissapoint!

Find out more

there's a plenty where that came from...
